Sunday, May 17, 2020

Taking a Look at Teen Pregnancy - 1952 Words

Image a young teenage girl in your high school with her whole life ahead of her. She has all her goals and her future planed out but all of a sudden she becomes pregnant all her hard worked and everything she had conquered was all going away now. All her dreams flushed down the drained because she was soon to be a teen mom. She was soon to realize that begin a teen mom is not as easy as it seems. There are a lot of things that has to be done to prepare for a baby and a lot she has to give up now. Being a teen mom is not easy at all there is a lot that has to be done such as preparing to bring a child into this world , making sure our baby is healthy throughout the pregnancy , get annual checkups , stop any sports you’re doing if any . All of your fun days are over. No more parties or hanging with your friends .You will start to miss tons of days of school because of all the appointments you have to go to and by you begin tired all the time and not feeling well . Teenage pregnancy is pregnancy in human females between the ages of 15-20. A pregnancy can take place in a female before she gets her menstrual cycle. Pregnant teens face some of many obstetrics issues as other teens. â€Å" For Woman 15-19 risk are associated more with socioeconomic factors than with biological effects of the age â€Å" ( Teenage pregnancy is the number 1 reason for teen girls to drop out of school. A lot of teen mom says that it’s hard to juggle school and a baby. Less than half ofShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Teen Pregnancy1197 Words   |  5 PagesEighty-nine percent of these births occurred outside of marriage. The 2012 teen birth rate shows a decline of six percent from 2011 when the birth rate was 31.3 per 1,000 girls. The teen birth rate has declined pretty steadily over the past 20 years. In 1991, the teen birth rate in the U.S. was 61.8 births for every 1,000 teenage girls, compared with 29.4 births for every 1,000 females in 2012 that’s pretty good. The U.S. teen birth rate is still higher than that of many other developed countries, includingRead MoreAn Early Pregnancy Is No Fairy Tale945 Words   |  4 Pagesconsumers. Advertisement is a form of communication that focus on a certain topic without sounding too needy or annoying. The ad â€Å"An Early Pregnancy is No Fairy Tale† conveys a message of early teen pregnancy and tries to prevent it from happening. The advertisement represents the ironic story of Snow White and the seven Dwarfs to indicates that early pregnancy will ruin people’s dream of a fairy tale. The advertisement is a picture of Snow White and her seven children that represent the seven DwarfsRead MoreAn Early Pregnancy Is No Fairy Tale925 Words   |  4 Pagesad â€Å"An Early Pregnancy is No Fairy Tale† conveys a message to control and stop teen pregnancy. The advertisement represents the ironic story of Snow White and the seven Dwarfs to indicate that early pregnancy can ruin a person’s dream of a fairy tale. The advertisement is a picture of Snow White and her seven children that represents the seven Dwarfs. Instead of the traditional fairy tale where the princess lives happily ever after, this ad turns the innocent Snow White into a teen mom who is strugglingRead MoreTeen Pregnancy in the United States1201 Words   |  5 PagesTeen pregnancy is more prevalent in the United States, than one would think. Even though the number of pregnancies has lowered, there are still an estimated 31pregnancies per 1000 teens. Unfortunately, there are immense consequences from teen pregnancy. These occurrences are due to many circumstances that can be changed, such as, more education, peer pressure, and today’s culture. However, there are ways to prevent all this from happening; using contraception, being aware, or even abstaining fromRead MoreTopic Proposal Essay970 Words   |  4 PagesMy chosen topic is teen pregnancy. Teen pregnancy is very common in this day and age so everywhere you look you’re hearing about it. I saw an article on teen pregnancy and the web and the author was questioning whether the reason teen pregnancies are increasing is because of the media. This interested me a lot because I’m a teen mom as well and I wanted to know what statistics showed about them. My overall goal in writing this is to come to conclusion as to why more and more teen are becoming pregnantRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy At A Young Age1273 Words   |  6 Pageslearning from their peers. Teenage pregnancy has many outside influences besides the individual themselves, one being the media. The teen’s sex education level can explain a lot about the knowledge they have on the topic. Pregnancy at a young age is becoming more prevalent for more reasons than one. Teen pregnancy rates have seemed to be increasing remarkably in the United States, as oppose to westernized countries. Influences linked to affecting teen pregnancies occur socially, environmentally, asRead MoreKendra Shipley. Ms. Carico. Senior English. 8 May 2017.1559 Words   |  7 Pagestake birth control while they are still in high school. â€Å"†¦ teen pregnancy is a serious problem in the United States.† (â€Å"Teen Pregnancy†). Girls should be allowed to take birth control because girls and guys are obviously going to mess around in high school; therefore, birth control provides a safe way for teenagers to have sexual intercourse. If they are going to do it, they should undoubtedly be protected. There are many easy ways for a teen to obtain birth control. For instance, birth control is freeRead MoreProblems with Teen Pregnancy in Oklahoma Essay1032 Words   |  5 PagesOklahoma has been ranked number two in teen birth rates according to a Tulsa World art icle. Teen pregnancy has always been a problem in America. More and more teens are becoming pregnant every day. Most of them can’t afford the expenses of birth control. Others do not know how to prevent it. Teen pregnancy can also cause education problems with the teen. Teen moms are not mature enough to handle raising a kid. Many kids who have parents who were young when they had them are more than likely goingRead More Pregnancy and Abortion among Teens Essay1576 Words   |  7 Pages During the last years the teen pregnancys issues has become an important matter of discussion in our society. There are a lot of teens that suffer while trying to hide the embarrassing and difficult situation that many have to confront. It is a problem that concerns all of us. Teen Pregnancy is a social problem that affects every individual in a community. Form the parents of the baby, to the baby, and the family around the teenagers. It is said that teen pregnancy leads to abortion. After ma nyRead MoreThe Age Of The Pill1530 Words   |  7 Pageswere made available. By the 20th Century, teen pregnancy was the norm. The prevention of unintended adolescent pregnancy has become an important goal of our society. Although adolescent pregnancy and birth rates have been steadily decreasing, many adolescents still become pregnant. The purpose of this research paper is to review the history, current status, programs and the future of teen pregnancy. History In the early 20th Century, teen pregnancy was the norm. Women were lucky to get an education

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